52Frames Weekly Photo Challenge – 2021 Week 3 “Get Low”

52 Frames Get Low 2021I gave Harper (my precocious little 4 yr old model) the night off, so my lovely wife, Adie, was kind enough to sit in for this week’s 52Frames shoot.

The theme for this week is “get low”, basically just shooting close to the ground or from a low vantage point in relation to your subject.

We shot this session on the back steps leading down to the basement from our back yard.

This is a two-light setup and my first time using a colored gel. Above and camera left I positioned the primary key light, my Flashpoint (Godox) ad200 pro strobe in a 38″ double diffused and gridded parabolic soft box. Behind Adie, I placed my Flashpoint Zoom Li-on X R2 TTL On-Camera Round Head Flash Speedlight For Sony (Godox V1), with a pink gel and small magnetic dome diffuser.

The purpose of the backlight is to create a rim/hair light, or kicker, to define the subject while creating separation from the dark background. To add a little creative color to the hair light, I used a pink gel. I wanted to keep natural skin tones, so I didn’t gel the key light.

All in all, I like how this image came out. The stairs and bricks along the wall create some natural leading lines, helping to draw the viewer’s eye to the subject, and offer strong natural framing.

Next week’s 52Frames’ photography theme is “Water”.

Check back to see what I shot for 2021 Week 4!

What is 52Frames?

The following is taken directly from the 52Frames website:

52Frames offers a guided weekly photography challenge, designed to help you improve your skills.

Every week, we send you a new assignment. You have 7 days to take your shot and share it with the community. Together, we give feedback and guidance to help you grow. Oh, and it’s totally free.