52Frames Weekly Photo Challenge – 2021 Week 1 “Self Portrait”

Just started a new year (my second) with the 52Frames weekly photography challenge!

Hard to believe I made it through all 52 weeks of 2020 without missing any submissions, but now it’s time to work on a new streak for 2021.

Every year starts off with a self portrait for week 1.

Like most photographers, I’m definitely more comfortable behind the lens, so this always feels super awkward. That said, participating in 52 Frames is all about stepping outside our comfort zones in an effort to continue to grow and expand our skills and capabilities, and to develop/refine new techniques. Here are three of my attempts for week 1 self portrait.

Below are the three self portrait images I considered for my submission.

Ultimately I decided to submit the first image.

Chris Derry Self Portrait

52Frames Self Portrait Submission

Christopher Derry Self Portrait

Self Portrait-2

Christopher Derry 52 Frames Self Portrait

Self Portrait-3

Next week’s 52Frames’ photography theme is “Leading Lines”.

Check back to see what I shot for 2021 Week 2!

What is 52Frames?

The following is taken directly from the 52Frames website:

52Frames offers a guided weekly photography challenge, designed to help you improve your skills.

Every week, we send you a new assignment. You have 7 days to take your shot and share it with the community. Together, we give feedback and guidance to help you grow. Oh, and it’s totally free.